Made It

Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Daily Poem


From dragons breath and devils tongue
Was created a creature, a monster from hell
In the darkest of night one heard its fearsome sound
Was it friend or foe? Only time did tell
For thousands were slaughtered both daytime and night
From the break of dawn until the stars shone bright
And homes were destroyed, and villages burnt
And cities and countries were soon overturned
Many people tried to fight, and all but one failed
As down from the heavens, the destruction hailed
When our hero, a man, no more and no less
And not really brave, to this he confessed
The horse that he rode, a valiant steed
With sword in his hand, he had to succeed
Across fields and marshes, his foe he pursued
Days without water and days without food
All of his time to his quest he did give
With his family all dead, he’d no reason to live
Then out of the darkness the creature appeared
All of his thoughts of his life disappeared
And the creature struck, flashing its teeth
That bit through his chest and crushed bones deep beneath
And as his strength faded, his vision went black
As he prepared himself for the final attack
He remembered his sword in his hand at his side
He struck with all his strength and with anger he cried
‘creature from hell, you can not live, to see you die, my life I give’
As the blade bit deep, the creature bellowed in pain
And he struck with his sword again and again
Until at last the creatures bellows did cease
And the blackness was filled with an eternal peace
With his vision now fading, he took one last look
The creature lay near him, its body once shook
Then it moved no more and our hero he cried
With a tear in his eye, he smiled and he died
And the creature was burned the very next day
And the body of the man was buried, they say
There’s a cross where he rests and these words on his grave
‘here lies the unknown hero, silent and brave’


Wednesday 4th November

Got up today and went into town on my own.  It seemed stupid both of us going down as we didnt need much and it was raining heavily.  No point both of us looking like drowned rats.  So i started out and it wasnt too bad (a little drizzle), but by the time i had reached the town centre the heavens had opened.  Anyway i didnt need much so after about an hour or so i was back on the bus (by this time it had stopped raining again, and by the time i got of the bus it was chucking it down again.  So i returned a lot wetter than when i left.  The rest of the day i spent trying to stay warm (man was it cold yesterday).

The evening i watched two football matches.  The first was Rubin Kazan against Barcelona (a really good game).  I didnt know much about Rubin before this champions league and i can say that they have definitely surprised me (i bet i am not the only one, just ask Barcelona who Rubin beat in the first meeting 2-1 at the Nou Camp !!!!!).  A superb defensive display saw Rubin steal another point from Barcelona, although at the end they had two chances to steal all three points and really embarrass Barcelona.

The second game was Lyon v Liverpool and i can honestly say that on the balance of play and the way we played that we deserved the win although all we came away with was an undeserved draw 1-1.  The game was edging out to a 0-0 until Ryan Babel (a second half substitute) scored an absolute screamer from about 25 yards with his right foot.  Just when i thought that we had got the victory a large piece of luck undid us.  The ball looped up in the air and went over our defence for Lisandro to hit a shot past Reina and my dream was shattered.  It now means that we have to hope Lyon can beat Fiorentina, and then we have to beat Fiorentina at home also to even get close to qualifying for the second round.  Come on the reds !!!!!!!!

Decided to watch a movie last night that we had only ever seen half of.  I will explain.  About 5 years ago we joined lovefilm and had a lot of films in a ten month period including this one (its called Paycheck).  The only problem we had when had this of Lovefilm was that about an hour in the picture froze and wouldnt play so we sent it back and they sent us another one which did exactly the same, so we decided we werent meant to watch it and gave up.  However we acquired the film about three weeks and last night we finally got to see it in its entirety.  A good fast paced action film with a lot of twists and turns.  A good watch if you want to watch a futuristic thriller....

Finished with episode 1 of the second series of Lie to Me which is a brilliant US drama starring a very good British actor name Tim Roth.  I wont give too much away other than telling you that its about a company that specialises in being able to know if you are lying just by watching the way your face and gestuers give you away when asked direct questions.  Give it a go and you wont be disappointed..

Daily Poem


What has happened to the love we once shared?
What has happened to the dreams we had?
What has happened to our foolish hearts?
Please answer me if you really know

What happened to the promises we made?
What happened to our future together?
What happened to everything we planned?
Please answer me if you really know

Where do we go from here?
Where are the visions we shared?
Where goes the love we had together?
Please answer me if you really know

The love we shared can be shared again
Our dreams can be made to be real
Our foolish hearts can smile again
I know. I really know

Our promises can still be kept
Our future is ours to control
Our plans can still be made true
I know, I really know

We can spend our futures together
Our visions can be made so clear
Our love can grow and grow again
I know, I really know

So ask me if I love you still
Ask me if I want your love
And I will answer yes I do
And I know, I really know


Tuesday 3rd November

Wet and windy as per every day for the last week or so.  A day of sorting out all my photos on my pc.  Man some of them make feel so old.  There are pictures on here from when me and deb first got together and that was almost ten years ago. Also found a lot of pictures of (so-called) friends who i used to talk to online and now dont even bother saying hi when i log onto messenger.  Its good to have a sort out every so often.

Got some more christmas presents ordered today so thats another job done.  Sorted through my mp3's (over 6,000 on my computer).  Wow my taste in music varies     lol   There is everything on here from rock ballads to vangelis, from chart music to within temptation.  I suppose it depends on the mood i am in at the time.

The day went quickly and in the evening i watched the Champions League Football on Sky.  A great game and i think that Man Utd were extremely lucky to get a draw against a CSKA Moscow side that attacked right from the start and in most areas outplayed Man U.  I think the defence needs to tighten up because if they play like that at the weekend (they have Chelsea at Stamford Bridge) then they will get annihilated.

Watched another episode of Heroes (getting verrrrrrry good now)

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Daily Poem

For A Friend

The only place I can hide
Is without and not inside
There are no rules outside my mind
There is no chance of being blind
Only pain within my heart
Destruction lives in every part
For love is something, just a dream
And when I wake, I start to scream

There is no joy only despair
What have I done, this isn’t fair
What crime in life deserves this pain?
I swear I’ll never do it again
It’s just a curse, an inbred trait
I need some life but cannot wait
So let me smile away this tear
And wish for life instead of fear

It’s not like I am a bad one
Or that I mistreat others just for fun
I try to make them smile with joy
While inside me all the tears destroy
To talk and understand, is that too much
To want for a warm and gentle touch
If there is pleasure in this world of mine
Please let me look, and let me find


Monday 2nd November

Another start to another week (wow time flies).  Well Monday is usually shopping day and today was no exception.  We only went to Morrisons and back but at least we got out for a couple of hours.  It rained heavily when we were on the bus going (almost stopped by the time we got there), and it rained heavily on the way back (again almost stopped once we got home).  So the gods of the weather must have been smiling down on us yesterday.

Spent the rest of the afternoon listening to my music of my pc while playing my manager game.  Deb was busy making tags and banners for various projects she is involved in.

Watched the Sheffield Utd v Newcastle game in the evening and that wasnt a bad game at all.  I thought that Sheffield were a little unlucky and if they had showed a little more composure in front of goal then they could have notched a goal or two themselves.  The game ended 1-0 thanks to a deflected Ryan Taylor shot for Newcastle but it needed a world class save in the dying seconds from Steve Harper to guarantee the victory.

We watched another episode of Heroes before ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.........

Daily Poem

Ok so this is a blast from the past.  I wrote this (my first proper attempt at poetry) when i was 17 (20 years ago.........yikesssssssss)


When I die, upon my stone
These two words “still alone”
Carved upon for all to see
My epitaph they will be

For I can’t love now you’re gone
And I can’t change what is done
You’re with another, this is true
There’s nothing more I can do

I’ve tried and tried but its no use
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose
Someday you’ll know how much I care
But I will be no longer there

I hope you have a peaceful life
Free from trouble, free from strife
I pray I won’t incur god’s wrath
When ‘still alone’ is my epitaph


Sunday 1st November

Wow cant believe that we are at this stage of the year already and that the lights will be switched of in a few days (for all of you that dont know about blackpool, look it up) lol      I think we are going to the season finale fireworks which i think are this coming Saturday the 7th.  They are usually quite impressive and i am usually deaf for about 30 minutes after.

Well the weather today was much of the same (wind and rain).  Again another day of 'not a lot' happening.  I tried to settle to the afternoon football like i usually do but i just couldnt, so i ended up leaving it and coming back on my pc to play my manager game.  I did drag myself away from it later in the evening to watch the Cardiff v Nottingham Forest game that ended 1-1 (very entertaining).  And then after that i watched the Malaga v Valencia (well the second half anyway because they didnt show the first).  Valencia are my favourite Spanish side and they edged out a defensive game 1-0 to leave them fourth in La Liga.

Before we went to bed we watched a very frightening and very realistic horror film called 'Paranormal Activity'.  Well worth a watch and i can guarantee it will make you uneasy.  Finished with another episode of Heroes.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Daily Poem

Do You Believe

I told them it was bullshit, ghosts and spooks indeed
The lies they tell each other, hungry for other mouths to feed
They look at me as if I don’t know what I am talking about
But tell me do you believe in ghosts, and that spooks at night come out?
It isn’t that hard to see how these stories start
Someone sees something they can’t explain and doubles the beat of their heart
They talk in babbled chatter so no one can understand
Reach for people’s imaginations and any helping hand

Well I listened to their banter one too many times
Dead men walking, yes right, and I committed a thousand crimes
I laugh at them for thinking and for believing in such bull
Well I will show them there is no such thing because I have had a bellyful
The gates of the cemetery close at half past nine and I will be there
And I shall spend the night, ghosts and spooks see if I care
Well I am here at the gates and they are not that high
And as I climb over them the night starts to sigh

With the first sight of the moon, comes the noises of the night
The owls sounding out and the bats take to flight
The stones all look like teeth waiting for the right dentist to come along
To extract the rotted green ones, and to fix those that are wrong
The echoes of dogs barking assault my ears and resound in my head
But those are the only sounds, not a whimper from my audience of dead
Well I must have dozed off, leaning on this grave stone
It’s strange but I have a feeling that I am no longer alone

What is stopping me from rising, why can’t I move at all
And all around me the earth ruptures and the stones start to fall
It appears that the dentist is death, and extraction time has begun
And as the moonlight assaults my eyes I realise I need to see the sun
Gnarled fingers tear at me, trying to drag me beneath
The cemetery lights fade in the dark, why did I say I didn’t believe?
Their rotted flesh chokes me and their dead breath assaults me
And their bodies clamber closer as their gazes rest upon me
So I try to struggle away but they won’t let go,
Why are they here and what do they want, does anybody know?
 I know I will die here and no one can hear me shout,
Clinging to life like a straw in a lake help me I need to get out


Saturday 31st October


Well it was a good day in some ways and a boring day in others.  Weather wasnt very nice again and there wasnt much to do.  I did watch the Arsenal v Tottenham game and have never watched such a collapse of a team as Tottenham.  For almost 40 minutes they played well and weer holding Arsenal at bay and then ....wham....two goals in a minute and the game is beyond them.  I wont go into details but it ended 3-0.

And what can i say about Liverpool............sheeeeeeeesh.  He makes some of the strangest decisions on the planet does Rafa.  Yes i know he said he took Torres of to protect him but i wouldnt be surprised that he gets axed if we go out of the Champions League on Wednesday.  We actually have to beat Lyon in their own country at their own ground.  If ever there was a time for the old 'rabbit out of a hat' scenario, then this is it.  Come on the reds.  We lost 3-1 to Fulham by the way and lost two men (Degen and Carragher) to very debatable red cards.

Well the night came and we were just sitting down to a nice pasta meal when there was a knock on the door (about 7.30 ish).  I went to the door and through the glass i could just see these two little kids, so i opened the door and pretended to jump out of my skin when i saw that they were both wearing cool halloween costumes (one dracula and one witches cat) and both of them (couldnt have been no older than about seven) broke into fits of giggles because they thought that they had scared me.  Even the mother who was waiting at the gate had a little chuckle.  So i gave them their treats and they went on their way.  And those were the only ones that knocked.  I reckon me answering the door must have scared the rest of them away.

The movie night ended up with us watching a film called The Steam Experiment or The Chaos Experiment if you prefer.  It starred Val Kilmer, Armand Assante and Eric Roberts).  Watch it and let me know what you think.

Daily Poem

Drunken declaration of love

My dearling firlgrend I live you to bats
Ewe are thee won I hadore
You meke the sin shone and the blub sky rall
I will lave youu form the rist of my doys
Let no swan tell you difficult
You are by worm, and I wall never lave youl
Peas slay yout live my
Has eye live ewe
Take me band and whelk with mo
Form you arm I raisin for leaving
Formheather yorks
Yor leving boilfriend


My Darling girlfriend I love you to bits
You are the one I adore
You make the sun shine and the blue sky roll
I will love you for the rest of my days
Let no one tell you different
You are my world and I will never leave you
Please say you love me
As I love you
Take my hand and walk with me
For you are my reason for living
Forever yours
Your loving boyfriend


Friday 30th October

Wow what wonderful  Rain, wind, wind and a bit of rain.

Its too horrible to really go anywhere today but we nipped into town and had a little stroll around the shops.  Deb got some cool halloween stickers for the windows (they are green and glow in the dark)  Also got some little bags of sweets and stuff ready in case we get any trick-or-treaters.  We hope we do because we rarely get anything like that and sometimes the kids get done up really cool, which makes it worthwhile.

We have decided that tomorrow night we are going to scare ourselves silly and watch a couple of good horror films.  Well it will be halloween after all and we are not watching them until after ten thirty because the last thing we want is for the door to go every ten minutes.  I reckon that if we get any knocks on the door after ten thirty at night we aint answering them        lol

Another episode of heroes ended the night.

Daily Poem


Don’t think you can take me for a fool no longer
I have looked at myself and I have nothing to be sorry for
You tell me that it’s all my fault
Your lies, your sins, your indiscretions
No more
Don’t blame me
I am myself and you are you
If the door is what you want
Look I left it open for you
Go through it and don’t come back
Because now you see I don’t cry anymore
I don’t wonder what I could have done
Because I know that it isn’t me
I have done nothing
So when you say that you don’t trust me
Is that the truth?
It’s you not trusting yourself
Honesty is a path we choose not a road we are forced to walk down
Its so easy to pass the blame
But I have news for you
The blame stops with you
Don’t look at me with accusing eyes
I close mine to your ignorance and deception
Go now
Leave me
Don’t look back


Thursday 29th October

A quiet day although i did manage to get down town and pick up our tickets for stoke on 12th.  Hard to think that in just over two weeks we will be putting up my Aunties christmas  Mind you that is the only reason she is on the planet i think, she absolutely lives for christmas.  We are looking forward to it because we will also get to see my sister before christmas as she comes back from her holiday in america on the 13th and we are not coming back to blackpool until the 16th November.

Didnt do much in the evening other than watch a couple of episodes of hereoes and then go to i said it was a quiet day.