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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Friday, 23 November 2012

Well its almost the end on November and Christmas is knocking on the door.  I am quite pleased that we are a lot more organized than we usually are at this time of year.  Most of the presents are bought and Deb is well into making Christmas cards.  The preparations are well under way.

A lot of news since I last wrote so here goes.....

On the medical front all is going well (at the moment, touch wood).  I haven't been sick for almost 4 weeks and the pain that i was getting has gone.  Good news there and I can now look forward to the Christmas season with a lot less trepidation.  Hope it continues as I really want it to be a really good Christmas this year.  We are starting festivities earlier than usual.  I want it to be about the whole month and not just a couple of days, so we are gathering a lot of family Christmas films ready for viewing, things like Santa Paws, Nativity, Snow Buddies etc......... The more the merrier.  After the last few months of being ill and not knowing what was wrong all sorts of things occurred to me, not least would I still be here at Christmas (I did fear that I had the big 'C' as all the symptoms were pointing to it).  I don't and now I can relax.

Congratulations to my sister Mandi who passed her driving test a couple of days ago and now has the honor of being the first person EVER in the UK to pass her test in an all electric car.....WTG sis xx

Congratulations also to my mum who has been accepted for her new flat in Blackpool.  In just over a week she will leave Stoke-on-Trent behind and relocate to  Lancashire.  I am glad that she will finally move and we can all worry a lot less about her as she will be a bus ride away rather than a 100 mile car journey.  I think that after twenty six years there she deserves something new.  We will be here to help her every step of the way.

I have been using a product called Poser for the last few weeks and am finally getting the hang of it.  Its a good program for making figures and creatures and its a very complicated program.  Not only do you make figures but you can change all aspects of them from their face to their feet and beyond.  I am just using the hair creativity tool and some of the results have been frightening to say the least.  One minute I have a bald figure and the next it looks like they have stuck their finger in an electric socket.LOL.  Ah well practice makes perfect so they say.

On the gaming front I am playing Borderlands 2 and am completely hooked.  Its absolutely mad in places with the most warped humor.  In places it is absolutely nigh on impossible to do.  I love the story and the characters and the choice of what sub-missions you want to do makes it even more thrilling.  Another big plus is that when you have completed it for the first time there is an option to replay it in 'Vault hunter' mode, where the weapons get better and the bad guys get harder.  I would give it an easy 9 out of 10 and thoroughly recommend it to anyone.

I wont be putting up much more of my writing and poetry as hardly anyone seems to read it.  I know there are a couple of people who like it, but not enough to justify the writing of new material.  I may write the occasional piece.