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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Friday, 22 February 2013

Good and Bad

Well first the bad.  Poor Deb is only just getting over her chest infection and has now been left with a rather nasty cough that is getting on her nerves.  The weather doesn't help as the temperature has dropped again and last night it was -2 (not cold for some i know).  Been having a lot of back pain and its now become a mystery as (GOOD NEWS) my scans on the base of my spine have come back and they show that there is no problem (good but now i am baffled as to what is causing it.  Been told by various people that:

a: could be my condition (doctor and mum)
b: could be old age (sister and tony)
c: could be dry rot (Thanks mick)

On better news my Ipad3 arrived the other day and I have been playing with it, downloading apps and stuff. I really like it and once the cover I have ordered of Ebay arrives then I will feel safer transporting it around.  One of the great things I like about it is the amount of apps that are available for it.  My other devices for apps (Blackberry curve 8520 and Amazon Kindle Fire) are very limited in the number of apps available, but after doing some searching on the net I have found that there are literally thousands of apps available for the Ipad (the majority of them free).  So i have been downloading everything from wallpapers to sports apps, from tv players to skype.  Like a kid with a new

I like where Liverpool FC are going at the moment and I can see a lot of potential in the team.  I am not saying we are going to win the league anytime soon, but we are building a team that can fight for its rightful top four place.  This season has been a washout concerning trophies and even attempting to win them but i think that Brendan Rogers needs at least another season to show us what he can do.  The players I liked the look of over the last week (the 5-0 hammering of Swansea and the impressive 3-1 defeat of Zenit last night in the Europa League) are the the new signing of Coutinho.  He looks a pacy player who gets in to good positions and can finish too as he proved scoring on his full debut against Swansea.  I also like the look of Assaidi who showed last night that he too has pace and ability and fits in with the way Brendan likes his teams to play.  I have to say though that the player that I think will make a big difference to us is Suarez's new upfront partner Daniel Sturridge.  I always knew he had pace and ability when he was at Chelsea and he has brought that to Liverpool.  He can make a good partnership with Suarez and has already found the net several times.  I thought we were really unlucky to go out of Europe last night and was over the moon with how the lads performed after going 3-0 down on aggregate (dont worry Jamie we all make mistakes, ask Martin Skrtel............).  Suarez was on fire and his two free kicks were world class, especially the second one.  It was nice to see Joe Allan score as well and if Shelvey had scored then it could have all been so different.  Ah well no point on dwelling on what might have been, we have to cement our place in the top 6 by beating Wigan away at the weekend.  Come on the Poooooooooooooool.

We finished Grimm season 1 and I have to say we thoroughly enjoyed it.  There was just the right amount of gore, violence and humor to make it really involving and we are looking forward to watching the second season.  Tonight we start on a series that was recommended to us a while ago but was never at the top of our viewing agenda.  Game of Thrones.  Both me and Deb have heard good things about it either word of mouth or social media comments and are looking forward to seeing if it is as good as people say it is.

Book wise I have finally finished Eric Sykes biography and have now started on a totally different book altogether.  Miranda Hart - It it just me?.  So far I am loving it and it has me giggling to myself the more i read.  For anyone who has watched and enjoyed her Tv show then this is a must read.  The anecdotes and stories from her life are hilarious and sometimes its just like watching an episode of Miranda.

Well not much else to say other than hope our Nephew Shaun makes a quick recovery and is back on his feet in next to no time.  He has had an operation on his foot that took three hours. ouchhhhhhh !!!!

Bye for now and will update again soon.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Start of the year illnesses

I suppose that if you are going to get ill then the January/February time is the best time to do it.  I think that most of us get ill at this time, whether its a simple cold or full blown flu.  I had a cold for a few days that thankfully didn't turn into anything more serious.  A couple of days of nose running and fuzzy head (including a 36 hour headache that drove me nuts) and after taking some Beechams the symptoms subsided and I made a recovery.  Deb wasn't so lucky.  She got the full chest infection that lasted over a week and has left her with a chesty cough that she is only just getting over.  As we have both been under the weather we haven't got out at all (except for the doctors, medical center and chemist).  The one thing I will say is that being ill lets you catch up on your TV programs or films that you have wanted to watch.

We finally finished Lost season 6 (final season) and all i can say without giving too much away is it leaves more questions than answers and to me was just a big cop-out where it looks the writers have just run out of ideas.

We have also managed to watch the final season of Fringe and in contrast this actually had an ending that made sense and wrapped up the series nicely.  I will miss this series as it has been one of the most gripping sci-fi dramas for a long time.

If anyone is thinking of buying the Universal Playback series of the UKTV series Bread i would think twice as they have completely messed up the series.  Series 1 and 2 are fine and run in order without any mess up, however series 3 is down as being 6 episodes and series 4 as 7 episodes.  After checking this i have found out that series 3 should be 13 episodes and the 7 episodes of series 4 are actually episodes 7-13 of series 3.  What a mess up.  Well unfortunately they didn't bring out any more series on DVD (as of yet) and if they did I have no idea how they are going to do it because series 5 will in reality be series 4 and so on.  As there were only 7 series made I cant imagine how they will get away with it.

Started watching another two series.  First one is called Once Upon a time and to be honest i am having a job getting into it.  Its got a good story and good characters but to me its the kind of program that could be on in the afternoon, there is just no suspense in it (maybe i am getting  As i have only watched three episodes i might be a bit pre-emptive in my judgement.  Will let you know.

The second series is called Grimm and is right up my street.  Its got a good story line, great specials, good cast and credible situations.  We are watching the first series at the moment and are up to episode nine or ten (cant remember).  I would recommend it to Supernatural fans as some elements are similar.

Also been watching more of the excellent series Boardwalk Empire and am one episode away from the end of the first season.  I have season two on standby.

I have not bought much of the internet lately although i have pre-ordered the new Depeche Mode album and single that come out in March.  The single is called heaven and this is the youtube link.

The new album is called Delta Machine and comes out on 25th March.

Also managed to get the last four Pet Shop Boys singles to add to my collection as i have fell behind slightly.

Not done a lot else with being ill other than lots of surveys.  Also heard of my survey home company to let me know that i will get my Ipad 3 in two weeks. Yeyyyyyyyyyyy

from 30th jan til the 7th feb

Hello all and hope you have had a good few weeks since my last post.  Hadnt really been doing a lot up until last week although there are a couple of tv programs i would like to mention.  First there is the excellent and very clever three part series called Black Mirror.  Its a rather dark look at technology and what the future or present might actually be capable of.  Its both amusing and dark in equal portions and the way the stories are done reflects a lot on modern day ethics and practices.  I believe the second series is due to start in a week or two. The other program is a five part supernatural drama called Marchlands.  I know its been out a while but we hadnt watched it until recently.  Its basically a ghost story that spans over 40 years, from the sixties right up to almost the present day.  Marchlands is the name of the house in which all three families over the 40 years reside and the ghost that appears to haunt it.  Its very good and some superb actors grace our screens.  The main actors are Alex Kingston, Tessa Peake-Jones (raquel from only fools and horses), Denis Lawson, Shelley Conn and Anne Reid to name but a few.  A gripping story and i would definitely recommend watching if you havent already seen it.

Well on 31st January my sis and her mum arrived for a few days.  On Thursday 31st we all went to Fleetwood market and had a great time.  The market was not very busy which surprised us but according to one of the stall holders we spoke to it was because more and more stalls were closing each week (so much for David Cameron(.  While in Fleetwood we also had a lovely meal at a wetherspoons pub of the high street.  Deb, sis and mum all went mental on the craft stall and i was the only one that didnt but anything in the whole

Friday was a pyjama day and we all just chilled and relaxed.  I was on my pc as usual and the rest were doing crafting stuff.  It was a pretty uneventful day until later that night.  I went on my and did my usual checking of email and stuff when i got the surprise of the week.  I had been a member of a health and wellbeing forum for the last twelve weeks (filling in surveys telling them about my health issues etc.......).  Well i  knew that the forum ended on the 30th and that the grand prize draw was due to be held (each time you completed the weeks activities you gained tickets for the draw).  Well i am pleased and excited to say that i won third prize which is a brand new Ipad 3 yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.  Am so excited and cant believe i won.

Saturday the 2nd February will go down as one of the best days in my 40 year time on this planet.  We all got up at 7.30am and after a couple of cups of tea and a morning rattle we left the house at about 8.30am.  Destination Anfield.  I was finally going to get to enjoy my 40th birthday present with my sis in attendance (Deb and mum went to Liverpool for the day shopping).  Well we arrived at about 10.15 and after saying our goodbyes me and Sarah went our way and mum and Deb went theirs.  We logged in at reception and after scanning our ticket we took the lifts to level two where we were taken into the European lounge.  There were ten or fifteen tables each with seven people on and we were allocated to table fifteen.  After getting a cup of tea and biscuit snack we sat ourselves down and we could feel the excitement from each other.  The table contained a menu (from which we were to order our 3 course VIP lunch) and a printout of information about the two legends that we would be meeting later (Phil Neal and John Aldridge).  We sat talking for about ten minutes although we were that excited i dont think we can remember what we said.  After about twenty minutes one of the tour staff introduced herself and told us the itinerary for the day.  It went like this.

11.00am Stadium Tour
12.00pm Museum and LFC Shop
1.00pm   Meet on top floor in Executive Box 15
1.15pm   Three course VIP lunch
2.30pm   Return to European Lounge for signings and photos
3.00pm   Q and A session with Phil Neal and John Aldridge
4.00pm   leave with your limited edition souvenir and all the memories of a wonderful day

It all went like clockwork and the organisation behind the event was first class.

There are loads of photos that i have added so you can see for yourself how wonderful the day was.  We were split into two groups and we were in the first one that did the tour of the stadium.  First port of call and were taken into what is called the Legends room and given a little bit of history about past players and managers.  From there were taken into the press area and were allowed to sit exactly where Brendan Rogers sits during press conferences.  We then were taken into the home dressing room where it was a privilege to have my picture taken with the shirts of my beloved LFC all around me.  It was quite empty in the room apart from a physio table and we were told this was because Bill Shankly (GOD) had wanted the players to know that when they went out onto the football pitch, they were working and as such shouldnt have access to sophisticated equipment.  Melwood training ground is where all the modern technology resides, from jacuzzi's to pool rooms.  Once we had taken several photos we then entered the away dressing room which was colder than a fridge.  This was explained to us but its a secret so shhhhhhhhhh.
Down the hall from this was where both the home and away managers and players conducted the post match interviews.  From there we got to have a photo taken of me and Sarah touching the Anfield sign that is above the stairs that lead onto the pitch.  Sitting where Brendan Rogers sits during games was quite a thrill and seeing the pitch was equally as breath-taking.  After being given another talk on when the stadium was built and a little history we were escorted to the most famous stand in football, the Kop.  Sitting down in the Kop gives you such a rush of nostalgia and history that it really is overwhelming and almost brings you to tears.  Again we were regaled with tales of the Kop and the history behind the stand and its supporters.

12.00pm   This was when we were left to our own devices and could choose to tour the museum, shop or have a drink in the Boot Room cafe.  We chose the museum first as we are both fascinated not just in Liverpool of the present day and our generation of players, but also by the teams that made Liverpool the legendary club that it is.  We got to read the history of the managers from the early years to the like of Bill Shankly (god), Bob Paisley (close 2nd), Joe Fagan, Benitez (say no more), Houllier and many more.  As you will see in the photos I have uploaded (taken mostly by Sarah) we managed to capture a broad range of it all.  From the league titles to the FIVE (are you reading Man Utd, Chelsea and City), yes i said five European Cups.  boast boast.  We spent a good forty minutes in there and the only reason we left was because we wanted to look in the Liverpool Shop.  Big mistake i can tell you.  I spent over £150.00 in there mostly on some amazing designer LFC tops.  Again I have uploaded some photos of them.

1.00pm   After leaving the store laden down with carrier bags we made our way to the third floor and were led into executive box 15 where the rest of the people from our table were sitting waiting for their lunch.  Our ordered drinks arrived and while waited for lunch we got to know the people around us.  I am not sure if that was a big mistake or not but all through lunch i was continually asked questions about Liverpool and the squad.  I do know a fair bit about the history of liverpool but there were times when i felt like a contestant on Mastermind.  While were having lunch in walked our tour host with Phil Neal and John Aldridge.  We both about choked because to use these were two of our heroes.  We were actually in a room with the legendary Phil Neal (most honors and appearances) and John Aldridge (successor to Ian Rush when he left for Juventus).  These were players i had watched and admired as i passed through my teens.  They were the inspiration that led to my love of Liverpool FC.  They introduced themselves (pointless) and asked if were having a good day.  They also informed us that they would be available later for photos and would sign anything we wanted signing.  I settled on my Liverpool shirt and a calendar (my face would have been a bit too much i   On the table was a small floral arrangement in a very heavy base and they told us that as there were two women in our group only one could take it home as a souvenir.  A coin was tossed and Sarah ended up with tails, and thats what it landed on.  So Sarah got the bouquet.  The meal was amazing (see photos again) and it was a very pleasant hour or so we spent there.

2.30pm  After the meal was over we once again returned to the European Lounge and after twenty or so minutes of signings we were allowed to ask some questions to the legends.  I am never short on words and proceeded to ask John Aldridge who the most difficult defender was that he had ever faced.  After a few seconds he came up with a player that i also remember watching as i grew up Paul Mcgrath (Aston Villa).  They told us a few stories about their football careers and the room often broke into roars of laughter.  It was like talking to your mates in the pub, the atmosphere was so relaxed.

4.00pm  The day was over and after making sure we had all our belongings (including a limited edition glass and a certificate signed by the entire Liverpool team we left and rejoined Deb and mum who were waiting in the car park for us.  They had also had a fantastic day and were, like us, absolutely shattered.  All the drive home we talked about the day and by the time we got home we were all ready for bed even though it was only about 6.00pm.

The rest of the evening we did nothing other than chill and i tried on my tops that i had bought.