Plans for the wedding are well under way and arrangements are being made. We have lots to do and sort out in the coming weeks.
I am sorry to say that we lost a very dear relative in the last week. After a long battle with illness my Uncle Tony passed away. I lived with both him and his wife (Auntie Pauline) from 1995 to 1998 and i will always have those memories that even now bring a smile to me as i am typing this. We will really miss him as we shared some good times and they were there when i needed someone. R.I.P. you will be sorely missed.
The days where it has been sunny we have been out and about, either town, cleveleys or just the local village. On those days we have usually met up with my mum and ended up either going for a meal or just walking and doing shopping. In the evenings we have been going for some nice walks with our ever faithful and daft as a brush dog Jess (who almost wrapped Deb round a tree last On the days where the weather has been bad i have done my usual surveys, emails, forums, blog and general surfing the net.
Havent really done a lot of gaming other than a couple of hours on Call of Juarez and i am still undecided if i like it yet.
Film wise i have been watching quite a lot. The other night i wanted to watch one of our older horror films so i picked 13 ghosts (excellent film). Last year for my 40th my fiancee Deb bought me the Bourne Trilogy on Bluray and the other day we managed to buy the Bourne Legacy so the quadrilogy is complete. This being the case we finally sat down to watch them a couple of nights ago and after seeing the first one and finding out how good it is i am looking forward to the other three. Last night we watched a very clever and intense horror film called Cabin in the Woods. I will avoid spoilers but needless to say that it isnt your ordinary run of the mill horror.
Deb bought me Boardwalk Empire season 1 and 2 on dvd for my birthday so i will be continuing from where i left of real soon. I love the show and its got me completely hooked. Its great to see Steve Buscemi on our screens as i think he is a very under-rated actor with immense talent. On that note i was shocked to hear about the death of James Gandolfini at the age of 51. I have heard a lot about the Sopranos series and its on my list (which grows every day) of television programs i want to watch (thanks to Sarah i am also edging towards Person of Interest as it sounds like my kind of program). Going back to the James Gandolfini comment, it just goes to show you how easy life can disappear and that is why i am always living for today.
I had a bit of a bee in my bonnet earlier this week and decided to confront some things that had been getting on my nerves and eating away at me in the last week or so. Its always good when you get things sorted and show people that you are not just there as a convenience friend. I think of myself a lot more highly than that these days.
I will leave you now and will keep you informed as to what happens in the next week or so.