Made It

Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Cant believe it has been fifteen months since the happiest day of my life !

Into Eternity

In the blink of an eye and with one touch of your hand
Time passes so quickly that I can hardly breathe
Your love carries me onward when my own fails
Together our hearts will life's tapestry weave
Each day, each minute, each hour that I live
Its with you in my eyes and my heart I go on
For this game is once played and not always do we win
But winning isn't important unless you find the one
That person to cry with, to live with, to love with
One more second and that is all that you would need
For a second in love is a lifetime together
A path forged for eternity wherever it may lead
If that is love then I am glad I found it
With you in my life I could want no more
Always my love is yours and yours alone
On the wings of my happiness, my true love will soar


For my beautiful wife Deb.  Without her my life would mean nothing.