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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

How The Weeks Go

Again its been way too long since my last post.  With it being Autumn now I have a lot more time to do my blog and keep it up to date, which I am determined to do.

Well since my last post I have got my ass in gear and finally published my first novel on Kindle.  Its been quite popular as I had it on promotion for four days for free and in that time it had almost 60 downloads which I am quite proud of.

The book is called The age of the Sword and is the first book in a series I am writing called The Chronicles of the Sword.  I have already started on its sequel which is really just the second part of the first novel.  Its a dark fantasy set in the mystical world of Arunia.  Its sword and sorcery, evil v good etc.  If you are interested in purchasing it or borrowing it from the kindle library then here is the link.

I hope those that read it enjoy it and if possible please leave a review on Amazon.  Many thanks.

Well here we are in October already and Halloween is just around the corner.  We are not holding a party this year but we will be putting up some Halloween decs for effect.  As soon as that is done then its Bonfire night.  We don't do a lot for this as we have a dog that is terrified of fireworks and so we stay in with her to keep her calm.  Going out and leaving her would be extremely cruel. 

We have already started on Christmas shopping and Deb is planning all her cards ready as well as doing various birthday cards and other designing and craft stuff.  She never stops :)

Over the Summer we had visitors galore and also took some time out with a two week holiday.  We went across to Louth to see my in-laws (that is the proper term but I just call them mum and dad).  We had a fantastic time and while we were there we got to go to Lincoln Castle and see the Magna Carta.  Anyone wanting a day out could do a lot worse than taking in Lincoln.  Not only is the castle there but also the magnificent architectural structure of Lincoln Cathedral.  They are within a stones throw of each other so there isn't much walking to do.  There are a lot of cobbled streets however so I would recommend some sort of support if (like me) you are not good with balance.   Its a real good day out and well worth it.  The price is reasonable and there are good concessions for disabled visitors.

In July we had a visit from Sarah and her mum Janet from Leicester.  They come up every year for my birthday week and its usually a mad week of fun, enjoyment and eating out.  This year was no exception and how we fitted in everything we did I have no idea.  We managed to go Fleetwood, Liverpool One and the surrounding streets including the docks, Preston town centre and Blackpool town centre twice.  We also had some lovely meals out including our usual trip to the sizzling pub called The Devonshire Arms in Blackpool.  A wonderful venue with amazing food and a great atmosphere.  Give it a whirl if you are ever in blackpool, you wont regret it.

Also during the last few months we have had various other visitors including my sister Mandi and Nephew Oliver and my good friend Ian and his girlfriend Pauline visited and we did a Blackpool Illuminations Lights trip in their car.  We have done the lights twice this year so far..  The first time was with mum and dad when they brought us back to Blackpool after our holiday in Louth.  It took us over three hours !!!!!!!!!  The first mistake we made was that it was a Friday night.  The second mistake we made (because we didn't realise) is that it was the first day of The World Fireworks Championships and the town was packed with holiday makers.  The second time we went it took us just over an hour as we went on a more sensible

The last thing I wanted to write about was that after our stay in Louth, me, Deb, mum and dad went to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne for a three day city break.  We stayed in the Premier Inn that overlooks the three Newcastle Bridges.  We had a great stay and when we arrived on the Sunday it was a scorching day.  We went to South Shields and had an ice cream on the fronts while we walked and talked.  When we got back to the Premier it was evening and time for Dinner.  Now what happened next made mine and dads trip even better than it would have been.  I went to the bar and order me a pint of Boddingtons and dad a pint of Stella.  After she had poured my pint she started to pour another of Boddingtons.  Assuming that she had misheard me I went to stop her and correct her.  She then informed me that every night between six and eight o'clock it was what they called 'happy hour'.  For every drink you bought, you got another free.  So me and dad ended up with two pints each.  Needless to say we took advantage of this every night we were there.  Well we didn't want to waste the opportunity :)

I am about to finish but just want to add that as you can see from my page banner I am doing Movember again this year.  For those of you who don't know, it is where I grow a moustache and beard for the whole month of November while raising money for Prostate Cancer UK.  This is my third year of doing it and this year I am doing it solo.  I am not going to ask for donations, those that can afford it, great, click above.  But I am more wanting to let people know how serious a condition it is and what is being done to combat it.  Please check out for more information and up to date news.

I started doing this three years ago as I lost a very dear and close relative to it.  I miss my Uncle Tony all the time and by doing my bit I feel like I am a lot closer to him.  With their help we will fight.  like I said before just take a few minutes to visit their website, like me I am sure you will find it a real eye opener.