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Thursday 17 October 2024

Day 16 of my 31 day horror film binge.  A British horror that is quite good.  Panic Button

Well to say I was pleasantly surprised at how good this was, is an understatement.  Synopsis is that a group of four individuals have all won a competition run by a social media company.  The prize is a trip to New York and also the chance to win other prizes with in flight games arranged.  It soon becomes obvious that this is to good to be true and what follows is a very decent horror that will make you question your use of social media.  Some clever plot twists and the fact that ninety per cent of the film takes place in a plane make this a very dark but watchable film. 
I would give this a good eight out of ten just for the storyline and the way its done. 

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Day 15 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Quite funny in places.  Attack of the Werewolves.

I did not actually realise that this was a Spanish film with English subtitles until the starting credits came up.  That said its quite an enjoyable film with a good mix of horror and humour.  Almost mirroring what it says on the cover, this is Shaun of the Dead in Spanish and instead of zombies, its werewolves that are everywhere.  The film is about a young Spanish man who returns to his Grandmothers house and village only to find out it is under a curse that only he can lift.  What follows is a very tongue in cheek film that made me chuckle in places.  Some of the humour is definitely not going to be everyone's cup of tea, that is for sure.
Add in to the mix an assortment of weird and wacky characters and you get a weird and wacky film.  For me the dog Vito steals most of the scenes.  I would give this a 5 out of 10 mostly for the over the top situations.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Day 14 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Another one of my favourites.  Event Horizon.

When you take a cast that includes Sam Neill, Laurence Fishburne, Joely Richardson, Sean Pertwee and Jason Isaacs then you know you are in for a treat.  This film is one of my all time favourites.  Its a sci-fi, horror set around Neptune.  The synopsis is 7 years before the main part of the film a space vessel (fully manned) disappears.  It then returns seven years later and no-one knows where it has been.  The man who created the Event Horizon accompanies a group of space explorers who are sent to find out what happened.  The Event Horizon was made to create a black hole in space but no one knows what is on the other side.  So the question is not just where has it been to, its a question of what has happened to the crew and what has the ship brought back with it?  Well worth a watch and an excellent story that, for me, is as good as the original Alien film.  I give this a resounding 9 out of 10.

Monday 14 October 2024

Day 13 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Been done before but clever.  Fertile Ground

This starts with a usual synopsis.  Pregnant woman miscarries.  Wife and husband move to new house to begin a new life.

Where this one differs is that the house in question was once owned by the family of her husband.  After being told that she can no longer have children, she is surprised to find herself pregnant.  Soon ghostly apparitions and apparent accidents enter the film and we see that the house has a history and not a pleasant one.  Over the years people have been murdered and others disappeared.  As the situation gets worse the woman starts to see even more terrifying things.  As the film speeds to the climax the ending is clever and will leave you thinking.  This one is a 4 out of 10.

Day 12 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Not bad this one.  Skinwalkers

Once again we have a film that is supposed to show real footage of an incident, though this one is quite well done.  The title leaves a lot to be desired and only just has a bearing to the actual film content.
At the start of this film we see a ranch where a young boy disappears right in front of his parents eyes.  Is it trick photography or is it something more sinister.  A group of men and women are sent to investigate the ranch where the disappearance happened.  What follows is quite a good film that shows everything from moving objects, strange creatures, weird alien figures to ghostly apparitions, bright lights and cattle mutilation.  Its all well done but will leave you with a lot of questions.  I would give this a 5 out of 10.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Day 11 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Think you know what an angel is?  Think again. Legion

I have seen this film several times and its a great watch.  Legion is about a woman who is carrying a child that is to be humanities last hope.  Mostly set in a gas station/diner in the middle of nowhere it centres on a young pregnant woman name charly who is about to find out that she carrying no ordinary baby.  Lots of good, creepy special effects and quite gory in places.  The story goes that god is sick of his creations and has decided to wipe out humanity and start again.  He sends one of his trusted angels to kill the baby but the angel reneges and decides to save it instead.  The rest of the angels led by Gabriel stage an assault on the gas station with the sole intent of killing the baby.  Clever story, well written, well acted and definitely a good one for the horror fan.  If you think an angel is a cute creature with only good intentions, think again.  I would give this a solid 8 out of 10.

Friday 11 October 2024

Day 10 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Thought this was more of a thriller than a horror but it came up under horror.  The House at the end of the street.

I have seen this one once before and whilst its down as a horror, most people would class it as a well paced clever thriller.  Its about a mother and daughter who move into a new neighbourhood where a couple were brutally murdered four years before by their daughter.  Even though the house is supposed to be empty, the son who was living away from the family when the tragedy happened, is now living in the house.  His sister was never caught for the murders and was believed to be drowned.  However the son is keeping the daughter locked up in the basement as she is bran damaged from an accident that happened when she was a child.  The son feels responsible and now thinks its his duty to look after his sister.  The new girl falls for the son and what looks like a romance is on the cards, but all is not as it seems.  Like I said its a well paced thriller with several good twists and turns.  Its been done before and probably better but this is definitely worth a watch.  Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Max Thieriot and Elizabeth Shue.  I would give it 6 out of 10.