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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Monday, 28 October 2024

Day 27 of my 31 day horror film binge.  An under-rated horror that I love.  End of Days

A great horror film with an unlikely hero in Arnold Schwarzenegger.  The film centres around a young woman called Christine who, unknown to her was chosen at birth to one day be the mother to the antichrist.  Its set in the last days of 1999 when it is prophesized that Satan will walk the Earth and take a woman to bear his child.  Into this story Arnold arrives as a security expert who is assigned to protect Satan as he tries to find the mysterious Christine.

With an excellent cast including Gabriel Byrne as Satan (boy is he creepy in this), Kevin Pollack as Arnie's fellow security associate and best friend, Miriam Margolyes as Christine's Step Mother and Rod Steiger as the head of a group of priests that are sworn to protect Christine from Satan, this is an all action and quite gruesome in places horror film.

I watch this every few years and I would give it a 8 out of 10

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