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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Does it hurt?

You look at me through eyes of red, jealousy?
I got away from you and now you want me back
You should have worked harder when you had the chance
Put more into the relationship, much more
Treated me better, showed you loved me more
Does it hurt?

To know I have another, someone new
Someone who loves me for who I am
Happy with me, happy for me
A smile even when there is nothing to smile for
Easy for her to say ' I love you'
You struggled, always
Does it hurt?

When you look at me and I am happy
Does it make you angry, sad, resentful?
You had your chances, and there were lots
I tried to make it work, believe me
But there is only so much pain a person can take
And I took more than my share
You hurt me, you destroyed me, you belittled me
So I ask again, does it hurt?

Jason Cotton
©Sonofdel 2012

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