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Friday, 1 November 2013

Published Poem

Here is the poem that I recently had published.

Bee Peril

Sitting in my garden
Slowly drinking tea
A faint buzzing sound
In front of me a bee
It seemed to hover there
Just looking me in the eye
It had me hypnotized
As the time passed slowly by
I watched it fly from flower to flower
Then it settled on a rose
It flew towards my face
Stung me on the nose !!!
Once more it flew towards me
I panicked and tried to run
It seemed to follow me everywhere
I think it was having fun
I was just like a madman
Hands whirling like a windmill
I fell over a rake, a hose like a snake
And yet it followed me still
I ran into the house, all shaking
In blind panic and despair
Saw my reflection and started to smile
For there was a flower in my hair
It must have stuck there when I was gardening
So that was the end of that
But from that day to this, no more amiss
When gardening I wear a hat.

Jason Cotton

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