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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Seconds out.............Post two.

I know there are two posts on this day but the other was a draft post that started a few weeks ago and finally got round to finishing

October was a fairly quiet time for us and other than a couple of things not a lot happened.  The two incidents that stood out in that month were a family visit from my Aunt, Uncle and cousins and a night out at Funny Girls as part of the SU2C campaign (Stand Up To Cancer).  We got three tickets for me, deb and my mum.  It was a great night and I would definitely recommend it to you if you are ever in Blackpool.  Be warned it is

Well as its the middle of November almost me and Tony are now into day 13 of our Movember campaign and apart from comments like 'you look a' things are going good.

Deb is well into her christmas card making at the moment and as I am typing she is behind me cutting and printing and allsorts.

Yesterday we went and did our official Christmas gift shop and it was very enjoyable.  I love the amount of unusual and novelty items that are out there just for something different.

A couple of days ago was official rememberance day and as such I wrote a poem that was published to Facebook as well as being sent to The Royal British Legion official site who have informed me that they have a policy of not publishing poetry which is a shame.  I have had a lot of good comments about it and a couple of people have shared it too which makes me know my poetry is liked.

I have posted it here on my blog too so that it can be viewed by anyone who would like to read it.  I am also getting brave because I am going to start a new short story in the next couple of days.  Stay tuned.

In the last couple of weeks we have been watching a lot of films at night and we have just finished watching the seven film set of the SAW movies (not for the faint hearted but definitely worth a watch).  I managed to get the complete set on Bluray for only £22.00 which I think is a real bargain.  Also speaking of bargains I also managed to pick up the complete Sweeney on DVD for £22.00.  The Sweeney was from our Sainsbury's store and the SAW boxset was from Amazon .

Last night we decided to watch a couple of the movies from a three disc horror set.  The first one was called SKEW and was weird to say the least.  Dont watch this if you like your horror explained and neatly wrapped up in a bow at the end because this is not for you.  Its a film that questions how you want the film to be.  You can see it as a Supernatural film or about Paranoia.  Its up to the individual.

The second film was a really good low budget horror starring Charisma Carpenter and Corin Nemec.  Its called House of Bones and its basically about a haunted house tv crew (who have never seen a ghost in their lives) who are made to go to a real haunted house and film what they find.  Needless to say all does not go according to plan and the effects, while sometimes ridiculous are also sometimes realistic and the story is good too.  Very enjoyable and worth watching.

Its weird at the moment because not only have Debs mum and dad gone on holiday (its Debs mums 65 birthday next week and dad got it for a surprise for her), but also our friend Sarah has also gone on holiday too.  Hope they both have a great time while we are stuck in wet and windy North West

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