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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Wow what happened !!

Well its been quite a while since I have actually done a text post and so much has happened.

Get the football out of the way first.  My beloved Liverpool FC have gone from almost winners to European Winners, Super Cup Winners and World Club Cup Winners.  We are just two wins away from our first Premier League title ever...……………...and along comes Coronavirus (more of that later).  I cant believe that we are so far ahead and yet this thing might stop us lifting the trophy.  That would be totally ironic.  I have followed Liverpool since I was 5 years old and I have seen the good, the bad and the damn right atrocious, but 95% of this season we have been unplayable and all have fallen at our feet.  We have not only beaten the teams near the bottom but we are unbeaten against the teams at the top.  Our two hiccups came against Manchester United at Old Trafford and Watford (who are fighting to avoid relegation).  We have played some tremendous football and have been at the top almost all year.  We are unbeaten at Anfield in the Premier League for well over a year now and its become a fortress once more. :)

Family wise has seen a lot happening.  Two of my nephews are now engaged.  My youngest sister turned 50 on the 4th March this year and my mum was 70 last year (I still have over two years before I reach the 50 milestone)………..LOL

On a personal level I have had a lot of ups and downs that have finally evened themselves out.

I have had to fight for my disability money (lost, lost and then won).  It took me going to the papers and getting my story in print before they would take notice.  I was originally seen by a supposed mental health nurse who, I am sorry to say, did not have a clue and blatantly lied on the forms.  I was lucky in the fact that I never go these things alone and so had someone (my wife) to corroborate everything that was said and that happened in the interview (assessment).  I decided to start a petition online because I do not find it fair that people with degenerative conditions or conditions that are not going to improve have to do through the humiliation of attending these assessments at least once every three to four years.  It has had overwhelming support and at last count was just short of 7500 signatures.  Its still going and here is the link if you are interested in signing or sharing.

I think that people should be spared the indignity and judging by how many have signed, I am not alone in this.

Now on to the good stuff.  I started a vlog in 2018 about my life in general and living with the muscle wasting disease called CMT (Charcott Marie Tooth).  I have good days and bad days.  Some days i get out of bed and am ready to face whatever the day holds..........Other days I have no energy, my body aches, the pain is bad and I can do hardly anything (its a roll of the dice).  Unfortunately I do not just have CMT.  Nature has kindly thrown in lower back problems, Hypothyroidism, GERD and now to top it all of I have developed anxiety issues.  Each of these is annoying on its own.  When you put them all together it makes for one heck of a day, I can tell you.  So getting back to the vlog...........................

Its called Living with CMT and at first it was a slow burner (about 55 subscribers up until two months ago.  Its now got over 300 subscribers and I have also started doing Gaming Vlogs (1 so far).
I do these to show people with CMT that it is possible to live a near normal life.  Over the years I have had to give up so much, from football, cricket, and darts to snooker and long walks.  Its been hard and I think it all peaked a couple of years ago when I had to stop playing darts and snooker.  I could not grip the dart and my balance did not allow me to play properly.  When I finally took my dartboard down and had to sell it, that is what hit me hard.  I had been playing darts for many years and I used to love the social aspect along with playing snooker or pool.  Suddenly I was no longer able to do either and this took me down the slippery road to depression.  I went for treatment and after a while learned to accept my limitations.  I knew then that I had to find something else to occupy my creative mind and so I achieved a life long ambition.  I wrote a book (well two books actually.  I wrote a fantasy novel called When all is Lost (Chronicles of the sword book 1) and i also wrote a book of poetry, well I got a few of my poems together and self published them in an anthology called Love, life and happiness.

Here are the links to the two books on Amazon if you are interested

When All is Lost (Chronicles of the Sword Book 1)

Love, Life and Laughter a poetry anthology

I was really proud of myself for achieving something that I had only dreamed of.  I am currently writing my second novel and working on a follow up book of poetry.  Stay tuned...........................

So that is the shortened version of events.  There is a lot more.....................

Ahhhhhh I almost forgot...........there was something.................Coronavirus................

I will be honest, and before people jump down my throat, this is the most over rated epidemic I have known.  Yes I know people are dying (the media tells us), yes the virus has spread (the media tells us) the elderly and the people with underlying conditions are likely to get it (the media tells us).  The millions of people that are recovering completely (the media tel.....................oh no that's right) the media doesn't tell us, the survivors (and there are many) have all recovered fine.  I can tell you the problem.  Its one word.............FEAR

If you can get enough media companies to frighten the life out of people then they will believe anything without stopping to question it.  I will be honest the people who are vulnerable I fear for as this portion of the population are the ones most likely to not recover.  If we put things in to perspective and look at the bigger picture this virus is nowhere near as bad as the media are portraying it.  I have elderly relatives and asthmatic friends before anyone says anything bad about me ( I check on these people every couple of days to make sure that they are ok).  I think the problem has now escalated and people are panic buying.  I have just spoken to my sister, who has informed me that today it took her six hours to do her usual one hour shop.  The reason is that those with money have been out and bought almost everything in bulk, thus making it impossible for regular shoppers to do their weekly shop.  Here is a poem I wrote about this situation.


Well I went down the shop today
To see what I could buy
A huge commotion in aisle five
A woman with a black eye
Toilet rolls were everywhere
Andrex explosion on the floor
Trolley stacked with fourteen packs
Trying to squeeze in more

Shouting and cursing
Like the world was all on fire
Panic buying pasta and milk
Limits on each buyer
Corona virus panic,
everywhere you go
Its going to kill us all
So the figures show

Look at the facts
Then make up your mind
Scare tactics used daily
Why are you so blind
More people die every day
From cancer, stroke and flu
If you think this is as serious
You need help, you really do

Its good to make people scared
Its what the media is for
So why not go and paint
A 'go away' sign on your door
If you believe the hype
You need all the toilet paper you hoard
To wipe up the s*** you believe
and to stop you being bored


To me this sums it up.  The world has shown its true face.  I am not saying everyone is like this, there are millions of good people out there, but this is where the stone crawlers emerge.  Those people that, as long as they are ok, then stuff the rest.  If we are looking out for ourselves, why should another person matter.  Its a horrible attitude and its amazing just how low we have sunk.  I am a child of the eighties (born in 1972) and the area I was raised in was poor to say the least.  Outside toilet, no inside toilet, a bath (lots of spiders)……..We had nothing, no one in our area did, but they were the best people going.  They would share there last loaf of bread to stop you from going hungry.  Now you would be lucky if they spared the crumbs.  Its going to get a lot worse, believe me and the depths are going to go even lower.

A lot of people will self isolate probably for 14 days.  I did say 14 days.  Not 14 weeks, months or years, but days.  If you think having a six month supply of everything is the right thing to do then you must have been praying for a situation like this to arise.  Taking food and supplies from people who need it, to me is the lowest form of life.  In this day and age of social media, youtube, WhatsApp etc...….we are told that we are part of a big community, almost a world family.  This has shown how wrong they are...……...

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