Ok ok so its official.....I am a facebook game addict. I started of just playing a couple of games in a kind of 'wow look at these, they are different' kind of way, but now I play lots of them and below is a kind of breakdown of the games and their good and bad points (just in case you want to play them). At the bottom of the page are the game links (where possible) if you would like to join me.............

Cafe World. A nice simple game that I originally joined to 'help out a friend' ahem......I am now on level 53 and my cafe is looking cool LOL. Basically you start with a little cafe business and its all about making it bigger and better for your customers, both with decorating it (tables, chairs, pictures etc) and expanding it. You can design both the inside and outside of it with all manner of items. You can even theme it (mine is a dungeon). You start with basic recipes and the more you do them,learn them or improve your level the more recipes become available. Some of the food recipes can take a couple of days to be ready. You also start with only a couple of stoves and counters (this also increases the higher your level). The interesting thing is that their are a lot of catering jobs where you need the help of your 'neighbours' (basically friends that play the same game) to either assist in making the food or supplying you with items via gifting (napkins, menus etc...)
+ points. Nice easy game that isnt that difficult to pick up. Its fun and you dont have to sit on it all day. You also have fun designing your cafe just the way you want it. A lot of items can be brought for the coins you earn in the game, but like most of them the best items cost cash to buy.
-points. Make sure you know what is ready when or you might come back to a cafe full of food that has rotted and unless you have salvage items that means throwing it away and starting again (I speak from experience)

Mafia Wars. This is more your basic click missions where no real 'interaction' is necessary. You basically have a set amount of energy to do missions each day (it does replenish given time). You have a choice of several locations including New York, Las Vegas and Moscow. You also have to build up properties and collect money from them on a daily basis. You also have the option to either fight others who play the game or rob them. Obviously the more 'mafia' (friends) you have then the stronger you are. As you progress through the game you open up new levels and more missions. Again you can buy weapons and armor but they do a thing called 'reward points' which are the games official currency for buying the more luxurious items.
+points. Its a nice simple game that basically explains itself as you play it. A set amount of energy means you can use all your energy to do the missions and come back later to do more. Your stamina also replenishes quite quickly (which you need to fight and rob). Always coming up with new missions and limited time missions.
-points. Well the main one is that once you pass level 450 (I am 529) then basically you can be attacked by anyone and all the time. This makes the game a little lame as you usually get attacked by people a thousand levels above you who think they are the next 'godfather' and sometimes it just isnt worth it. The other down side is it can be very slow moving and when you need certain items to complete levels it can be dame near impossible to get them which makes the game very frustrating.

Frontierville. This game I liked from the start. Basically you have to start your own frontier, from building a cabin to farming the land for your crops. Its very involving and there are a lot of missions that can be carried out simultaneously. Some of these involve visiting neighbours frontiers and carrying out jobs for them i.e. chopping trees, feeding animals etc.... You have to build a lot of buildings including an inn, foundry, school and general store (plus lots more). The land that you are given can be expanded (with the coins you earn). This is a fun game with a lot of humour, from blowing up the rodents that eat your crops (groundhogs) to scaring bears (by shouting hey hey). LOL. You even get married on the game and have a child ! The levelling up is quite easy for the first few levels but later on (I am level 33) there is quite a bit to do to level up.
+points. Extremely addictive and fun game that can give hours of enjoyment. Your energy replenishes quite quickly and you can buy 'meals' in the game. There are lots of items you can buy to make your frontier 'pleasant', from fences to pen your animals in to tents and picnics to make it look appealing.
-points. There are two problems that I have found. The first is that transition from your frontier to one of your neighbours can take quite some time (upto a minute I have found), The second one is that it does have a habit of a message appearing informing you that 'we have lost the connection and need to refresh the page' which can be annoying.
Castle Age. This is another game where its mostly just clicking missions. The appeal is this is that its basically an RPG in text form. You start with hardly any armor and weaponry and as you progress through the game (I am level 256) you get better weapons etc.. You are also assigned 'generals' (these are basically allys that you need to do certain missions and as you level them up they give you more abilities....stronger, better defence, more energy etc....). You also get to fight monsters or 'bosses' which become harder the more you progress. The first few you can do on your own but the harder bosses again require the help of your friends, or your 'army'. You can choose to 'invade' or 'duel' other players and you even create or join a guild which then opens up even more aspects of the game, including guild battles. The main currency needed to buy the more impressive items or soldiers is called 'favor points' and a lot of these can be gained fighting the monsters.
+points. Another game that is easy to pick up, and again once your energy and stamina are depleted you can go away and come back later once they are replenished. Great graphics add to a very realistic experience and there are always new items that can be 'gifted' to your allies.
-points. Again its another one of those games where you can be constantly attacked by people who then make themselves 'hurt or too injured to fight' which can be very frustrating. The favour points kind of dry up a lot the further into the game as you complete a lot of the missions and the 'achievements'.
Links to join
Castle Age - Recruitment Link
Mafia Wars - Recruitment Link
If you would like to join me in any of my other Facebook Games my profile link is -
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