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Sunday, 17 October 2010

Poem of the Week

This is where I let people read my latest or maybe even some of my older poems and let them leave comments if they so desire.

Each New Day

I wake with a smile as the sun lights the sky
I turn and I glance down at you
Your hair frames your face as you lie on your pillow
And the world could not be a better place

I sit and drink my first tea of the day
And all through my body I feel love
You walk through the door like the angel of the morning
And I know today will be a good day

We talk about nothing as we welcome the morning
And we glance at each other as couples do
And sometimes we will reach out and just hold hands
As we continue our way through the day

We walk hand in hand where ever we go
The feel of you here by my side is heaven
And I know that I will feel like this all my life
Because you are here each new day

Jason Cotton

©sonofdel 2010

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