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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Six Weeks

Well it’s almost time, not long to go
Just six weeks left before I start high school
That fateful first morning when I say hello
And have to start abiding by rules

Well its five weeks and counting the nerves are now here
The thought of everyone being bigger than me
I hope by the day that they have disappeared
And that fun and enjoyment is what it will be

Well four weeks to go and my school uniform is bought
My shoes are brand new and in the wardrobe they stay
I will try to remember all the things I have been taught
That will help me get though that first fearful day

Three weeks to the day until I walk through the gates
Twenty one days until there’s no turning back
Meeting the teachers and making new mates
In uniforms that are just red and black

Two weeks to go and my uniform I tried
A liquorice allsort I looked like at first
As I stood there and looked I tried not to cry
Then suddenly into tears my mum burst

Well one week to go, seven days of frustration
It’s going too slow or maybe too fast
I can imagine it’s like this all across the nation
The six weeks of waiting are now almost past

Well it’s my first day at high school, in uniform I stand
With my lunch money in my pocket and my stuff in my bag
And they kiss me and tell me to listen and understand
I feel like I should be waving a white flag

Well its over and to be honest there was nothing to fear
No torture or pain like my brother had said
So now I can’t wait until tomorrow is here
So I close my eyes and fall asleep on my bed

©sonofdel 2011

I wrote this because my nephew at the time was due to start high school and he was a little bit intimidated by the thought.  It was the start of the six week holiday and he was counting down the days until he started his new school.  I guess we are all like this when we are due to start high school.  I was (if i can remember back that far).

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