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Thursday, 3 November 2011

Tuesday (delayed post)

Sorry for not doing blog yesterday......couldnt get motivated.

So Tuesday wasnt a bad day (it didnt rain at least).  Did some surveys and the usual stuff in the morning.  Ordered a couple more christmas presents.  Got paid for my Co-op forum (£35 amazon voucher) yeyyyyyy.  Also got another £5 amazon voucher for being a major contributor to the HIVE panel. (it all mounts up and comes in handy at this time of year).

Went town in the afternoon to buy some more presents and to price up some other stuff at the same time.  Was down there about three hours and then came home because we were cold and couldnt carry any more (lol)

In the evening I watched the Arsenal v Marseille game.  It ended 0-0 but there were a lot of chances that both teams wasted.  Funniest result of the night was another Champions League game that ended 1-1 between Genk and Chelsea (didnt see that one coming)

In the evening I played a bit of Rage.  Not a bad game its like a cross between Borderlands and Fallout 3.  Some good gameplay elements and the graphics are not bad either.

Didnt watch any TV as was too tired.

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