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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Friday, 13 July 2012

Friday 13th aggggggggghhhhhhhhhh

Well its 15.15pm on friday 13th july and its absolutely pee....erm....raining :)

its been a busy week as we have been preparing for the arrival (we fetch them tomorrow from leicester and stoke respectively) of my best friend Sarah and my mum.

We have literally not stopped all week preparing and getting the house ready (Deb has even dusted the cobwebs and polished the spiders  Went town on Tuesday and again today.  Got everything we are going to need (hopefully).  Did an online Tesco shop and a Iceland delivery (both arriving in the next hour).  Poor Deb has been rushed of her feet both with offline and online activities.  She has been cleaning one minute and designing the next.  I have offered to postpone my 40th birthday for a couple of years but she wont let

Went Poundland again today and picked up some more dvd's.  I keep trying to avoid the place but it draws me in like a magnet and when you are only paying £1 for a dvd, you cant really complain.

We are leaving at about 9.30am tomorrow and are going to Leicester first to pick up Sarah.  We cant wait to see her as she is one of those friends that I can talk to everyday and never run out of things to say.  We watched almost every match in Euro 2012 together, while talking on the phone.  Have known her for erm..................a long time.  If you want to know more about her then see my poem today :)

We are hoping to be in Leicester for about midday time and after having a brew and a chat its up to sunny Stoke to collect my mother.  Sarah is staying until the 23rd (it will go so quick :( ) and my mum is staying until 28th or 29th (it will go so  Only joking.

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