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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Last Day.................

Well its currently 11.20am on the 17th July and i am well on my way into the last day of my thirties.

Its been overall a good decade for me.  I have spent every year of it with my fiancee Deb and a lot has happened.  In ten years we have moved 3 times.  Firstly from Stoke to Blackpool and then twice when in Blackpool.  We have gone from a two bedroom flat to a three bed semi-detached house.  We also now own a dog.  But still it seems like the last decade has passed by me in a blur.  My condition has deteriorated somewhat but not to any severity (i can still live).

So tomorrow i leave my thirties behind me and enter a new decade.  I wonder what my 40's will bring.  I have plans.  First and foremost I want to marry Deb.  I also want to stop wasting my days and get some of my work published.  I am a terrible procrastinator and this is something I wish to stop.

At the moment Deb and Sarah have nipped into our village and my mum and me are just passing time waiting for them to return.  The dog is fast asleep and I decided to catch up on my blog.

The last few days haven't really heralded much.  Yesterday I stayed in with the dog while everyone else went to the town center (i wasnt  Last night we watched Despicable Me which i thought was a good film with a nice few bits of humour.  We all sat down and watched it together and i think the others enjoyed it too.

Fetching Sarah and my mum on Saturday went surprisingly well and apart from a ten minute traffic jam there were no other problems.  We set out just after 9.30am and arrived in Leicester just after 12.15 (not bad timing).  On the way down we listened to some cd's.  Enigma and The Prodigy (what a mixture).  On the way from Leicester to Stoke we played Meat Loaf and then once my mum was in the car I played a 60's  We arrived in Blackpool shortly after 4.30.

Sunday was a nothing day and I spent most of the day playing PC games (i know i am a big kid).  The game I am playing is called Kingdoms of Amalur and it is immense.  So far I have been playing it for almost 48 hours (gameplay time) and I have half of the map left to open yet.  I love RPG's.  The other one I am determined to finish is called Skyrim (I am level 37 at the moment).

Well next time I write I will have aged another year so bye to my thirties !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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