Made It

Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Saturday, 8 September 2012


I will not listen to the lies
The political insight and the false promises
No point in believing all their propaganda
Forgotten once you believe
I wont be swayed one way or the other
Because I know they all lie

But I will put my faith in the aliens
I will listen when they invade
I will stand and not judge them
For they must be more human than us

We look in each others eyes and lie
We turn our backs on those that need us
They teach us what we know is right to be wrong
Judge us for our colour
Disown us for the choices we make
Give us freedom of speech
As long we say what they want to hear
Tell us who we can love and why
Who are they to judge?
A day without war is like a miracle
And tears are more shed in pain than in laughter

But when the aliens invade us
They wont lie just to please us
They might take over us
But we will know what they want

So forget the politicians that lie
And the media that make us scared
Forget the religions that speak peace only to declare war
Don't let them educate you with false lies
Be deaf to their words, they will hurt you
Be like me
I have faith in the aliens

Jason Cotton

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