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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Still waiting

Well another different few days.  more being ill.  I have an appointment for Thursday morning yeyyyyyy.  Well if its that long then i surmise that what is wrong with me cant be that serious.......can it?

Anyway on a lighter note.  Watched a few good films recently with Deb.  A couple of classic supernatural/horror films.  The first two were the very cool White Noise and White Noise:The Light.  I kind of like these sort of films because they are not your hollywood 'we had better please the audience' type of films.  They are grittier and tackle some of our own fears and beliefs.  The other one we have watched is the timeless Stephen King film The Tommyknockers.  It has taken us years to finally get this on dvd (thank you thats  On that note a miracle happened yesterday.  I managed to persuade my body that it was upto a trip into town and we went in Thats Entertainment and bought..................................NOTHING......!!!!!!!!!

Ok so i did pick up a couple of dvd's from B and M but that's beside the point.  I got From Paris with Love (good action film and clever story) and Copout (not seen it yet but looks cool).  Deb also managed to pick up a movie from the Poundland store called The Deal (William H Macy and Meg Ryan comedy so should be good).

Got the new Pet Shop Boys double cd through the post on Monday (Elysium).  Going to listen to it this afternoon and will let you know what its like.  Also wrote another new poem on Monday and have posted it too.  Feel free to leave comments or constructive criticism on any of my work.  I can take

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