Made It

Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Friday 23rd October

Well the weather seemed to have made a marked attempt at improvement and even the sun has made an appearance.  Another day another half a dollar eh ..

Went Morrisons for a good look around and almost ended up treating myself to Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (or PES 2010 as its now known).  I weighed up the pro's and cons and although they were selling it at £32.99 (compared to £34.99 to £39.99 in town) i decided against it as i know i can get it on the internet for under £30.  I know i am only saving three or four pound but every little helps (sorry Tesco).

Had a little look around the town centre but there wasnt much occuring.

In the evening we decided to look into going to the christmas circus at Blackpool Tower and thought it would make a nice treat to take my mum with us (she always comes up for the two week christmas period).  So i went online and got it all sorted, ordered and paid for in about fifteen minutes (isnt the internet a wonderful place)  So its all booked and the tickets will be here soon (hopefully he says with fingers crossed).

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