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Saturday, 17 October 2009

Saturday 17th October

Wow is it cold this morning.......

Well a recap on last night...............did nothing..............quick eh ...LOL

Well not entirely true, finished sorting my pc, played some more manager game, had food, drank, watched blue murder, went bed.   Not much like i said.

Today? Well its Saturday which usually means i spend most of the day watching my favourite sport (namely football or soccer if you are american (to avoid confusion)), but after seeing the games that are being televised this weekend it wont be too difficult to miss them if the opportunity arises.  My beloved Liverpool are away to Sunderland today and that isnt something i am too hopeful over after how Sunderland played against Man Utd last time out.

I might decide today to finally write some more of the fantasy novel i started about 18 months ago and have never got around to finishing.  Nearly 180 pages in and i get writers

Its the same outside as yesterday, blue sky but cold.  The only difference today is its also cold inside.

Done all my email and as per usual on a Saturday i had about ten or eleven surveys to do (which are now done thankfully) and that usually is it for the weekend as i dont tend to get many after Saturday mornings.

I might start writing little reviews on here, games i have played, films i have seen, music i have listened to etc.....

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