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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Sorry its been a few days

We had

Had my sister and her boyfriend here for a few days and was busyyyyyyy. They went back home wednesday and for some strange reason I slept for about ten hours on Wednesday night ??? Thursday not a lot happened apart from emails and gaming............

Friday was totally different. We went to Morecambe first of as a friend of ours had PC problems. Well off we went and I took my usual box of tricks (recovery disks etc...). After about two hours of trying to get into the system, I admitted defeat. I guessed that it was a hardware problem and after it was taken into a PC repair shop I found my diagnosis to be correct (its either a motherboard problem or a graphics card one). I will know more in ten days.... We left there and then went to another friends who also had a pc problem. Theirs was a little more straight forward as the problem was that the system files were corrupt so I just did a clean install and went up today to finish it off.

Right.............This is where the Soapbox comes out....

I am sick of people belittling others for their colour, race, sexuality, size, height etc.... There are some that will tell you that I am forever telling jokes that sometimes broach these subjects, and they are correct. However I must point out one thing, telling a joke is one thing (knowing who to tell it to is also very important), but when the joke becomes offensive or insulting, thats where I draw the line.

To those people that think it is 'fun' and 'a laugh' to make a persons life unbearable or unliveable, I have this message. IT ISN'T !!!!

I read almost daily about young and not so young people that are taking their own lives because they cannot stand the utter cruelty and prejudice that exists in today's society. If a person is gay, so what. If a person isn't the same as you in whatever manner how does that make them any less a person? If they came up to you and insulted and belittled you for being heterosexual would you be offended ?? Of course you would, because to you that would be 'normal'. Define normal to me !!

A piece of advice. Keep your bigoted, prejudiced views to yourself. We don't want to hear them. Leave these people to live their own 'normal' lives and don't interfere on things that don't concern you. Life is a very short thing and it is over before you know it. To me its like clicking your fingers. Just as you start doing it, its finished. Live life, enjoy life, smile through the pain that life brings, but dont make others wish they hadn't been born. Its so easy to insult people for what you class as being different, but aren't we all 'different' in some way or other. The one thing that makes us who we are is our individuality. Dont take that away from anyone....................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very true about people keeping things to themselves