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Sunday, 9 October 2011

The Course

Well the day finally arrived yesterday.........My OU course started.  I must admit that I was, and still am, a bit apprehensive.  You know the thing, have I bitten of more than I can chew syndrome.  It didnt help when I went onto my course site and everyone had written an introduction, man was I overwhelmed.  Never seen so many qualifications and

Well it all went ok for the first day, a 500 word start to a story, a couple of short stories to read and commenting on other peoples work.....good stuff.

Its strange but upto that point I had 'writers block' and hadnt written any of my own book for over 8 months.  Well something must have come 'unblocked' because in the evening I managed (with the use of my voice software) to write another two or three pages of my fantasy novel.  Strange how that worked !!!
I also managed to find time to write three new poems, one of which I posted yesterday. 

Didnt really do a lot else yesterday as the weather was horrible to be honest.  No football as we are on international break (next match is Liverpool v Man United on the 15th).

Finished of watching another three episodes of Bones Season 6 and then read a few more pages of the Stephen King book called Under the Dome (will let you know what I think about it when its finished, could take a while as its a very thick book).

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