Made It

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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Usual Friday

Well continuing from my last post, woke up not too good.  Still had chest and stomach pains but took two more rennie and by mid-afternoon the pain started to wear off.  Tried a couple of biscuits and all went well............thank god !!!!!!!!!!

Tesco delivery arrived right when they said it would, in fact they even sent me a text in the morning to clarify the time.  All items arrived except two not in stock and the bill was adjusted accordingly.

In the afternoon yet more a writing week now so I can continue some of the short stories I have started (and maybe some new poetry)

In the evening decided to have a break from writing and instead watched a film called Blitz.  Its a Jason Statham film and its basically about a cop killer.  Statham is his usual tough guy and there is a great supporting cast including Paddy Considine and Aiden Gillen.  Definitely worth a watch. **** (4 star).

We finished of the night with another episode from Fringe Season 3 (episode 4).  Was shattered when I went bed and thankfully I managed to sleep.

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