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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Saturday, 15 October 2011

It Didn't Rain !!

Ok so the day was going the same as most.......but at least it didnt rain.

The morning was quite uneventful other than receiving a post item that contained a cool little device from British Gas........I shall explain
It plugs into your pc via a USB port, you go onto their website, register your user ID (which is included in the package) and then register the card that they send with it.  After you have done this you insert the new card into the device and you can add credit directly onto the card from your debit eh......then just put the card into your meter and it transfers the credit.  Very useful in Winter when you realise that you need gas and its raining like the heavens have opened.  No need to go out now.  Just top up in the comfort of your own home.

Went town shortly after that to get a CHRISTMAS PRESENT..........yes its getting to that time of the year time flies.
While we were in town we called in TK Maxx and brought a couple of cool Halloween snow globes.  Deb loves halloween and I liked one of them particularly.  (while try and get a photo album on this blog at some point)
Also while walking through town we called in Currys and I managed to get a decent headset with microphone for my speech software.  Not bad at all.  Its a creative one and its a lot better than the other one I own because the headband goes over your head and not over your ears (which is painful when you wear spectacles).
Got home and tried it, took a couple of attempts to get it working ok, but i got there.
In the evening a friend came down for an hour or so and we just had a beer and talked garbage (usual man talk, football, surveys, internet, money) lol.
Got an email to say my new netbook is on its way..........yeyyyyyyy
Rest of the evening was doing some more poems, writing comments on my course and general internet stuff.
Went bed at 1.45am too tired to read.

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