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Saturday 12 October 2024

Day 11 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Think you know what an angel is?  Think again. Legion

I have seen this film several times and its a great watch.  Legion is about a woman who is carrying a child that is to be humanities last hope.  Mostly set in a gas station/diner in the middle of nowhere it centres on a young pregnant woman name charly who is about to find out that she carrying no ordinary baby.  Lots of good, creepy special effects and quite gory in places.  The story goes that god is sick of his creations and has decided to wipe out humanity and start again.  He sends one of his trusted angels to kill the baby but the angel reneges and decides to save it instead.  The rest of the angels led by Gabriel stage an assault on the gas station with the sole intent of killing the baby.  Clever story, well written, well acted and definitely a good one for the horror fan.  If you think an angel is a cute creature with only good intentions, think again.  I would give this a solid 8 out of 10.

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