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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Friday, 25 October 2024

Day 24 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Very under rated this one.  White noise

I had seen this before but forgot that Michael Keaton was the star.  I find this quite under-rated as I think its a good creepy, supernatural chiller.  The synopsis is that Michael Keaton loses his wife who is pregnant with their child in what appears to be an accident.  He is approached by a man who claims that his dead wife has been trying to communicate with him.  At first sceptical he dismisses the man as a mad man.  As time goes by strange things start to happen such as his dead wife's mobile calling him and hearing voices over the airwaves.  After contacting the man again so begins the real story.
    I wont give too much away other than saying that all is not as it first appears and there is more to the voices than meets the eye.  What I love about this movie is in some ways it mirrors my own life.  I lost my wife suddenly and I kept hoping for some sign from her to say that she was happy and that she missed me.  I know its all fantasy but this will hit with some people who, for whatever reason, can't accept someone is gone.  I would give this a firm 7 out of 10.

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