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Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Sunday 6 October 2024

Day 5 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Another disappointment I am sorry to say.  This one is called House of the Devil.

I had high hopes with this one especially as it was labelled 'The best horror film of the year'.  After watching it I would doubt it would even be best horror of the week, let alone year.  Its slow to the point of ennui.  Its on 96 minutes and the plot is about ten of those.  The first 70 minutes are so drab and pointless that I almost switched off.  I did not however, I saw it through to the bitter (pitiful??) end.  

The synopsis is a college student needs money for a house deposit and finds an advert on the student board asking for a babysitter.  She calls the number and about 30 minutes later she is one her way, being given a lift by her friend.  Once arriving at this house in the middle of nowhere its quite obvious that all is not as it seems.  The baby turns out to be the owners mother who needs watching in case of emergencies.  The next forty minutes is about her exploring the house, watching tv, listening to music and basically boring filler for the movie.  With twenty minutes to go the real plot emerges and we find out that the girl is needed for an occult experiment to bring the devils child into existence.  Throw in a couple of gruesome bits and that is the gist of the story.  Girl escapes, shoots herself point blank in the head, wakes up in hospital to find herself pregnant, end of movie.  I am forcing myself to give it 3 out of 10

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