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Monday, 21 October 2024

Day 20 of my 31 day horror film binge.  Not a good one at all.  Spiderhole

Ok so this was a complete disappointment.  The premise is that four English students who dont want to have to pay student rental fees decide to squat in an old abandoned building.  During their first night they wake to find that all the exits have been sealed and there is no way out.  Someone doesn't want them to leave and one by one they are killed.  The story itself sounds feasible but the way its done is dreadful.  The killer appears to be some random doctor (think Creep) and their seems to be no logic to anything in the film at all.  The acting is terrible, the story is ridiculous and the camera work is brutal.  Its a complete waste of ninety minutes of my life.  I am sorry to those involved but this gets a 1 out of 10.  Worst film I have seen so far.

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