Made It

Smashbomb Smashbomb Genius

Saturday 5 October 2024

Day 4 of  my 31 day horror film binge.  I knew it had to happen, its the risk you take when you watch new films.  This one was called Clawed - The Legend of Sasquatch.

Okay where do I start.  The acting was dreadful, the characters questionable, the special effects must have cost about $100 and the plot (if you can call it that was so thin it was practically see-through.  The synopsis is that there is a group of hunters who are poaching animals that the Sasquatch takes a dislike to.  Killing all but one (who is recued by some sort of Indian warden/ranger, I think?).  The town come to the conclusion that there is a grizzly bear gone rogue and a group of hunters, including the survivor, set out to kill it and to kill the warden as the survivor thinks its him who attacked him and killed his men.  Following so far.........

Add into this mix two students (male) who hate each other but are forced to work together on a project about endangered species.  They decide that they too are going to try and find this mysterious creature that is killing people.  They take neither gun or knife and instead rely on a video camera to take photos of said creature.  Of course they take two girls with them (one of them is the cousin of the one who hates the brainbox kid). It gets worse.  The hunters all die (including the survivor shooting one of his own people???).  The only survivors end up being the Indian warden and the four students and sasquatch disappears at the end of the film.  Cue credits...............

I am giving it 2 out of 10 and that is being generous :)

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